The Benefits of Supported Headstand – when done correctly!

Headstands can do more harm than good when done improperly over time.

This is a great illustration by Action Jacquelyn to show you the do’s and don’ts of Supported Headstand aka Salamba Sirsasana 🙃


Here are some of the great benefits of Supported Headstand:

  1.  Natural treatment for Hair Loss:
    • One may not be able to fully stop the hair fall but can surely slow down the process with the practice of headstand. Sirsasana increases blood flow and provides nutrients to the scalp region thus decreasing hair fall and the onset of grey hair.
  2. Calms the Brain:
    • The upside-down position of headstand amplifies the flow of blood to the brain. The freshly-oxygenated blood stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands which calm and rejuvenate the mind. This combined with deep breathing is a powerful recipe for relieving stress, depression, and insomnia.
  3. Increases focus:
    • When you go upside-down, the blood flow is directed from the feet to the head. This improves mental function and in turn, elevates the focus of the person. Also, enhanced blood flow decreases tensions and makes your mind sharper and clearer.
  4. Therapeutic for a Headache and Migraine:
    • Sirsasana effectively relaxes and strengthens the blood vessels in the brain thereby preventing headaches and migraine. It also increases nutrients in the mind that tranquilizes the brain and prevents headaches.
  5. Strengthens Arms and Shoulders:
    • By holding yourself up in the headstand, utilizing the forearms, shoulders and back to keep the head and neck relaxed, you are able to lengthen the spine and relax the vocal muscles.
  6.  Improves Digestion:
    • You allow the effects of gravity to be reversed on the digestive system that removes stuck material, releases trapped gases, and increases the blood flow to the digestive organs.
  7. Treats Diabetes Naturally:
    • The practice of headstand effectively promotes healthy brain functions that control pituitary glands and thus help in combating diabetes.
  8. Triggers Lymphatic System:
    • When you flip onto your head, you stimulate the lymphatic system and a ssist in removal of toxins from the body.
  9. Cure For Varicose Vein:
    • Breaks down the blood build-up in the veins  and transfers it to other parts of the body