Plastic pollutes our land and water. Since most plastics, such as plastic bags, are so lightweight, they get easily picked up by wind and travel long distances by wind and water to pollute the nature.

Americans toss 185 pounds of plastic per person each year while also going through 13 billion pounds of paper towels as a nation. Aluminum foil sounds like a “natural” alternative to a lot of people, but it can actually take a hundred years or more to biodegrade.

Less than 10% of the plastic used is recycled every year in the U.S. The remaining 33 million tons goes to waste, with 22-43% ending up in landfills, and the rest being incinerated or littered; all three impact the environment and affect human and wildlife health leading to enormous costs.

Of the 260 million tons of plastic the WORLD produces each year, about 10 percent ends up in the Ocean, according to a Greenpeace report (Plastic Debris in the World’s Oceans, 2006). That’s 26 million tons of plastic! Seventy percent of the mass eventually sinks, damaging life on the seabed. We must develop better ways to reduce our use of plastic!

Types of Plastics
There are 7 types of plastic:


The most commonly recycled plastics are type 1, 2 and 6. These plastics are down-cycled into other plastic items. Type 1 plastics are often turned into non-food containers. Type 2 plastics are used to make plastic lumber. Type 6 can be turned into trays, pens and insulation.

Decomposition Estimates

In the landfill, PET can take 10 years to decompose, PS takes 50 years, HDPE 100 years, LDPE 500 years, and PP 1000 years to break down. The MDPI notes that PET can take up to 50 years to fully degrade. This process could occur faster if plastic is exposed to light. The material recovery facility Mercer Group International notes that most plastics take 200 to 400 years for decomposition.

Together, WE CAN make a difference by reducing our carbon footprint by reducing our use of plastic.

Here are some ways to reduce our use of plastic:

1.) Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store.
I have collected my own reusable bags over the years, but there are also many great bags sold at most groceries and Amazon. Amazon even has smaller reusable produce bags for sale.

It’s a great idea to leave reusable bags in your car. This way you will have them whenever you need them!

2.) Recycle.
You could recycle with your local recycling center. Another option is TerraCycle. TerraCycle offers a pack-and-ship zero-waste box for a wide variety of non-organic kitchen items, from party supplies to silicone or mixed-material food containers. The company recommends getting together a group of friends, neighbors or co-workers to purchase and contribute to the box. (They cost from $130 to $475 and range in size from 11″ x 11″ x 20″ to 15″ x 15″ x 37″, but the largest box — split among a group or sponsored by an employer — can be the most cost-effective.) Once the filled box is returned to TerraCycle, the company will sort the waste into four categories (fabrics, metals, fibers and plastics) that are then recycled, up-cycled or reused — depending on the type of material. The company also works with a wide range of manufacturers to offer free recycling of individual hard-to-recycle items, like Brita water filters and Clif Bar energy bar wrappers.

3.) Alternative Food Storage Baggies.
I recently invested in silicone baggies in place of plastic bags. I got this set from Amazon. They are wonderful! These silicone baggies are freezer and dishwasher safe, and can even hold liquids without spilling. They also came with an expo marker where you can write what is in the bag, with comes in handy!

4.) Alternative Plastic Wrap
I made the switch to reusable Bee’s Wrap to use in place of plastic wrap. They come in different sizes and prints. After you use it you simply wash it off with some soap and cold water. These are the ones I got on Amazon. You can take a look around to see which ones are better for you as well.

5.) Bamboo Toothbrush
One thing I hadn’t thought of until recently was our toothbrushes are made up of plastic. One toothbrush takes over 400 years to decompose!
This is what led me to the switch of Bamboo Toothbrushes, and I love it! I got mine on Amazon. These are the ones I got, but you can take a look and see which ones you would like. They also have sets available with a bamboo travel toothbrush holder.

6.) Reusable Cups
Using reusable cups is a great habit to start. It actually helps me be more conscious about drinking lots of water as well. Another plus is a lot of places actually offer a discount on their to-go drinks if you bring your own cup.

7.) Bamboo Paper Towel Rolls
Although paper towels are not plastic, they are normally packaged in plastic. One switch I am about to make is Bamboo Paper Towels. As of now I have been using rags as napkins, but I have been hearing great things about Bamboo Paper Towel and how they last much longer than regular paper towels! I’ve heard of one roll lasting people 6 months – a year! This is because you can reuse a sheet over and over again by rinsing it off in the sink and letting it dry.
They also have Bamboo Toilet Paper available as well.

8.) Reusable Containers / Tupperware
If you know you are going out to eat and will likely have leftovers, it’s a great idea to bring your own containers. This way you won’t have to use the restaurants plastic or Styrofoam containers they have to offer (both being awful for the environment).

One item I absolutely LOVE and is great for when you have to bring your own lunch is the Bento Box. I got this one from Amazon. They also have some for kids as well!

9.) Think before you buy!
Take notice of how much plastic you are buying in your food containers. For example: If you are buying cans of soda, try to opt for the packaging without the plastic rings.
Another example is most spices are in plastic containers. I opt for the ones in glass containers. This way they become reusable! You could begin to buy the spices in bulk online and refill the glass container as needed.


I hope these tips on ways to reduce our use of plastic has helped make it easier for you to cut out unnecessary plastic! If we work together we can make a huge difference in our planet!

*** Always remember the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! ***