Benefits of Padangusthasana & How to do Padangusthasana

aka – Big Toe Pose

This is most definitely a personal favorite. It feels SO good to hangout in this pose!
And no, you do not have to be able to touch your toes to get in to this pose… Just simply bend your knees!

Some benefits of Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose) include:

✨Calming the brain and helps relieve stress and anxiety

✨Stimulates the liver and kidneys

✨Stretches the hamstrings and calves

✨Strengthens the thighs

✨Improves digestion

✨Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause

✨Helps relieve headache and insomnia


How to do Padangusthasana (Big Toe Pose):

1.) Begin standing with your feet hip width apart.
2.) INHALE lift your arms up to the sky, EXHALE fold.
3.) Make peace signs with your first two fingers and catch the insides of your big toes. — If you can’t reach your toes or suffer from back pain, bend your knees!
4.) Let your head be heavy. The crown of your head is falling towards the floor.
5.) Keep your shoulders down your back. Your neck should feel really long. Your elbows should be splayed out, meaning angled away from you.
6.) Hold for a minimum of 5 breaths.

* Pro Tip — In order to get more length in your fold, follow this technique while in your fold:
While keeping your grip you have with your fingers to your big toes, INHALE and lengthen your chest forward (keep your shoulders down the back), EXHALE fold deeper.